In conjunction with individual and family bereavement counseling, the DA’AT INSTITUTE frequently offers bereavement groups and workshops such as the following. Call or email for details of schedule.

Grief, Bereavement and the Mystery of Life and Death:
A Healing Journey Workshop

One of the essential aspects of being human is the reality of death and loss. Life is finite, that we cannot change or control. What we can control is the way in which we respond to grief and loss in our lives. Walking the mourner’s path with integrity and an open heart, one learns to transform mourning into meaning, longing into legacy. In this experientially-oriented workshop we shall explore the multi-fold nature of grief and bereavement. Through discussion, inter-personal sharing, reflection, meditation and group processes participants shall embark upon a journey of healing of grief. Both those walking the mourner’s path and people working with the dying and bereaved are welcome to attend.

In-person bereavement workshops are presently suspended. 
Contact for more information.